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Rank Explanations


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The alphas, or Imperators, are the law and final judgment. The Imperators are responsible for the well-being and survival of the pack by ensuring their members have the skills and comforts they need. Imperators maintain tabs on the local herds and neighboring territories, lead pack hunts, and see to other general pack tasks such as recruits, visitors, and alliances.



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The betas consist of the pack's Overseer and Den Mother. The Overseer facilitates training and must exhibit the strength of character required for leadership. The Den Mother assures the overall health and future of the pack. They provide counsel to the Imperator and Justicar and assist them with leadership responsibilities.



The gamma, or Justicar, is the general of the pack. He or she oversees and encourages spars, maintains the territorial borders, and handles intruders. The Justicar is responsible for maintaining the protection of the pack and culling those that pose a threat to the pack or its leaders.



The elite are warriors and medicine wolves of Necrosis called Furies and Shamans. Furies have demonstrated their loyalty and fighting skill to earn this title. Shamans display knowledge of healing herbs and a talent for tending to the weak or wounded. Both groups are respected for their wisdom and devotion.




The subordinates consist of the Fangs and pups. Fangs are the main populous of the pack consisting of hunters, sitters, scouts, and/or fighters. Pups are raised together and given the same education regardless of their heritage.

Site layout by Nasukaa

Content & Ranks by Speedy & Desi

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